Easy to download high-quality (HD, SD) videos, photos from your Facebook newsfeed, your Facebook profile and public Facebook users.
Main functions:
★ Download from newsfeed: The app show list of all Facebook posts containing photos or videos. Click on photos or videos and follow the instructions.
★ General search: Enter a keyword to search for Facebook posts, Facebook users, Facebook pages ... and their videos, photos.
★ Multiple download photos and videos from Instagram
Automatic functions:
★ Download url: Enter the url to download
★ From friends: Click to see and automatically download photos and videos shared by your Facebook friends
★ User search: Search and automatically download public videos and photos from a Facebook user.
★ Videos recommendation: Suggest videos based on what you watched. Let you choose videos quality (HD or SD.)
* This app is NOT affiliated with or endorsed by Facebook's official network.
* Any unauthorized actions (re-uploading or downloading of contents) and/or violations of intellectual property rights is the sole responsibility of the user.
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